Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad!

                                      Happy 75th Dad! 

Dad and Mom

                                                                             You've been on my mind a lot lately
and so, in honor of your birthday, here are some random picture and some lessons learned!

There is nothing better on a Saturday morning than Dad's pancakes...
any letter, any shape, he would gladly attempt!

Dad taught me to ski...."if you are old enough to ski, you are old enough to carry your own ski equipment." 
I heard that every time we went.  Most times though, dad would end up carrying my skis and poles!

Dad as a missionary!

Dad loved the Lord!

Dad loved to drive the Falcon!

Some Dad saying:  " WW!!!!" (or wet wood!)
"be careful, it is the first rainfall of the season!"

Dad loved Mom

Dad loved to make home made ice cream...but Dad, there is such a thing as too much almond flavoring in peach!

Dad loved to putter...and water...it is good for the soul!

Dad could load a dishwasher like no one else...Unfortunately, while some of them come close, none of the sons-in-law have perfected that skill!

Dad taught me to budget and to balance a checkbook...well he tried anyway!

Dad taught me to pack a suitcase

Dad taught me to love the world and to love to travel.....

One of my favorite memories is of the day we spent together in New Zealand...I think the rest of you were in an airport someplace........... sorry!

Dad loved to work

And he loved to play
 sports of all kinds, but especially with the grandchildren!

Dad taught us to talk to everyone you meet...the world is full of interesting people!  Sometimes it was so embarrassing!

But, no matter where in the world you went, you ran into a friend of Dad's!

Lately I have had some people tell me that I am extremely "detail oriented"  funny, I sure don't think of myself that way...especially not compared to Dad, and from the note below, he did not think me too detail oriented either!

Obviously, at age 18, dad wasn't sure I could wind  a watch a properly and so he sent very DETAILED instructions!  Thanks Dad!

Dad loved Christmas and believed in the magic just like Mom does!

Dad taught me that people are ALWAYS  more important than things!  How many times did we do something to the car and he never really got too upset!

But most of all Dad loved the Barnes Bash and his family


Tonight Dad, my table is set with bird of paradise and antheriums..
For dinner we are having:
Jello with fruit cocktail
Peas and Carrots (out of the same bag..who knew they still made them!)
And, of course cube steak!

For dessert, there will not be a Duncan Bakery Rocky Road Chocolate Cake, we will just have some ice cream...and maybe a spearmint certs and think of you.

Whenever I think of Dad, there is an immediate picture that pops into my mind.  It is a very vivid memory for me, maybe because it is one of the last I have of Dad. It is from the Barnes Bash in Jackson.  One afternoon there was horseback riding on the schedule. I opted not to go, and Dad was not going to go either.  We both walked over to watch everyone get saddled up and to send them off.  I am not sure who else was staying with us.  As everyone was getting ready and starting to leave, it became obvious that Dad was torn, he wanted to go with those on the horses but he also wanted to stay.  He was looking longingly at those getting ready to go. I encouraged to dad to go ahead and go.....and he kept saying no he had better stay.  Finally I turned to him and said, "Dad, just go, we will be fine."  He immediately jumped up and had them saddle him a horse and he was off to catch up...at last minute he turned and waved good bye to me.

Maybe I always think of this because I feel like it foreshadowed what was to come.  I think Dad was probably very torn when it came time to leave us.  I wish I had had one last time to tell him how much I love him, and to say to him,
"Dad it is very hard without you, but don't worry, we will be fine."

And so Dad, thanks for the legacy, the life, and the love you have given me.

I love you

Aloha 'Oe.......
Until we meet again.




  1. I just had to close my office door to gather my composure after reading this. Thanks a lot! :-) There was no finer example of a Dad then our Dad. JAB

  2. My goodness. Talk about a weeper! Well done! How long did it take you to gather this together! KHBW

  3. That caught me by surprise! Lucky I had tissue right next to the computer! Love the letter---"roll it in your fingers". I had a red timex that he trained me to wind as well. I'm thinking we may need to do Sizzler tonight--it's been a while.

  4. Wow... it's even a tear jerker the 2nd time around. I vote Heather as the official family blogger and post all those old photos she's been finding. Now that she doesn't have a house full of kids and all...

