Thursday, June 9, 2011

We are the ULTIMATE tourists

This is us trying to figure out the Metro.
Not one Folsom speaks a word of French (except sometimes Ange tries real real hard)
Having a blast here across the ocean!  Can't wait to see G&G!
It's chiiiilllly here, we definitely didn't come prepared!

1 comment:

  1. French 101 – for the Folsom’s who seem to be struggling…
    where is the metro - où est le metro
    I need to pee - j'ai besoin de faire pipi
    which way to K street - où donner de la rue K
    how do i get to england? - Comment puis-je obtenir à l'Angleterre?
    where is a Mcdonalds - où est un McDonalds
    why is it so cold? - pourquoi est-il si froid?
    i just want normal food - Je veux juste la nourriture normale
    is it raining outside? - est-ce qu'il pleut dehors?
    Do you know Don Staheli? - Savez-vous Don Staheli?
    he can help me - il peut m'aider
    speak English - parler anglais
    No I’m not crazy - non, je ne suis pas fou

