Monday, November 15, 2010

Mediterreanean Trip 2010

                                               Bougenvilla at the Sea of Galilee -- reminds me of Hawaii!

When I was young, I longed to see the world.  Well, guess what?  I've seen it!  And when I stepped off the plane Friday night, I vowed I would never get on one again.  Flying is not what it used to be.  We were 28 hours getting home (with no sleep) and have paid a price -- tired, sick and out of it, but when this severe jet lag wears off, I know the highlights of the trip will surface.  And there were highlights.  Here are a few:

In honor of Grandma Barnes we said "hello to Shoo Shoo".  Check out the good looking leg.  I had a skirt on and frankly it was a miracle that I was able to stay on at all.   One more reason I am so happy to not be a camel riding nomad.  This is Cairo at the Pyramids.  The place is full of shisters.  This guy wanted $10 for the pix he took.  We were told it should be $3 so I began to yell "NO" to him.  My cries brought a policeman who asked what the problem was.  He made the guy give us $5 back!.  They say that sometimes they hold you ransom on the camel and will not let you off unless you pay $100!  Such a corrupt place!

Another photo of the Cairo pyramids.   They are really quite a site!!!

One of the ancient Olive trees in the Garden of Gethsemane.  The crowds were horrendous but we found a few quite moments in the Garden.

When you read the New Testament about the Savior going to Capernaum you begin to understand how fare the distances were between towns and how dusty and hot the roads must have been.

The filth and squaller of Egypt was almost unbelievable.  This is a little river that ran thru Cairo.  Note the garbage floating in the water.  Everyplace looks like this -- garbage, filth, people pushing and driving like maniacs.  At one point two cars crashed into each other but then just drove away.  It was like the dodgems at Lagoon.  Cars going in every direction, driving with their horns.  The lines in the road were just for decoration.  Crazy!!!!!

Don't know how this pix of MPH funeral got in here.  Remember this is my first attempt!
But this pix is of an island off the coast of Venice, Italy called Burano.  It was such a beautiful little place -- know for it's Italian lace.  Note all the difference colors of row houses.  Everything about it was charming!

All in all the trip was good.  Good people, and great sites, just a bit long!!!

Sooooooooo glad to be home!


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