Monday, January 31, 2011

Where I will be for the next 40 Days...

and 40 nights!  Last Monday the Utah Legislative Session began and so far NO BILLS for me.  It get's really crazy up here, even without a bill, but I would still love to have visitors!  Please come see me.  The Utah State capitol is easily one of the most amazing state capitol buildings in the United States.  Having spent 4 sessions up here now, I have come to appreciate some of the history of this wonderful state and building itself.  The architect, Richard Kletting, designed it in the early 1900's and also was the designer of the original Saltair.  The building is full of hidden symbols and beautiful paintings some of which include; Brigham Young, Peter S. Ogden, and lot's of pioneers.  By far and away, my favorite thing at the capitol would have to be the stairs.  Here is a beautiful picture of them:

Not only are they a great workout, but this is where my dad proposed to my mom!  So come please come visit me soon.

Kate B.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Farcy has been gone since January 10th and won't be back until February 9th...
We at the Folsom house, (especially Shmo) are really missing him!
He is definitely going to smell like Asian when he comes home!

Happy Birthday!

Hedo, Nick, Farcy, and Feffy G!

Ada's First Blog Post!

My wife is 50 today! I am 52 but I act like I am 5!

Sarah, doing a scary face!

Sarah, taking a picture of herself!

Percy is famous!

We had no idea when we met Percy over New Year's that we were meeting someone famous!  Emilie found Percy in the kids version of sequence!  Seriously Nick, can we have an autograph?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you guys know that BYU plays San Diego State tonight. BYU is going to win. Jimmer is going to have 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 points. I just found out today that Jimmer Fredette's real name is James. But Jimmer is cooler. That's what his mom calls him. So go Cougs and bye!    ----Samuel

Last night was a pretty sweet game. San Diego State got Jimmered! Jimmer had 43 points. BYU won 58-71. Last night, Kevin Durant(an NBA superstar) scored 47 points. After the BYU game, he ranked Jimmer's performance more impressive than his own. Awesome! Go Cougs!

And yesterday our school was cancelled before it started snowing(it didn't start until 1pm!)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Doesn't this just make you tear?!

You know I have a soft spot in my heart for balloons & signs at the airport!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

My First Post With My New Camera

This is my little sister Sarah with her amazingly long tongue! Who needs fingers when you have a tongue like this?

This was over New Years at the Blair house in St. Louis. Kate did a lot of reading that weekend. We think she could get a second job as a Librarian.

This is a video of my Dad's awesome eyeball!

This is the first of many posts and many pictures thanks to my new camera that I got for Christmas.

Emilie Barnes

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Open House

The Open House last week was 
I think everyone is a little partied out though...even tonight I thought I am!
We here in Utah have had them practically every other day.
So many people came last weekend,
K&R are loved!
Be jealous!

It's always tough to follow Hedo...

here is a song dedicated to the one and only MayMay...
we in SLC cannot stop listening!
(I wouldn't really suggest watching the video...just listen :))

Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2.....Ten Years Later

January 2, 2001 was a day that changed our family forever.
In one moment it felt as if this

and days like this:

and this

were no more.
I can tell you where I was sitting, what I was doing, even what I was wearing when Mom called to say she was on her way to the hopsital.  Not even half an hour before we had been joking about the fact that "Dad wasn't feeling well."
There are days when it feels like yesterday that I got the phone call saying he was gone....
and there are other days when it feels much longer than a decade!
How grateful I am to know that I will see Dad again.  How grateful I am for this:

And the covenants made within these walls that will allow us to be like this again!
While I am not sure that I would choose to do it that way again,
I am grateful for all that has transpired these past ten years...
the tears, the laughter, the pain and the growth.
I will always love you dad!
Today as I reflect on Dad and all the years I had with him,
I am so grateful for him and for all he did for me and taught me.
I am also so thankful for all the amazing men in my life!  I am surrounded by them...and today, when I tend to be a little melancholy, I am so very, very grateful for this man:

Who has brought joy and laughter and happiness back into Mom's eyes and heart and into our entire family's!
I love you Richard and I am so grateful you have come into our lives...out of this horrible day, what great blessings we have gained.  As you prepare to leave for two years, I want you to know how much I love both of you and I am so grateful for eveything you have done for our family.
We wish we were there today to say goodbye, but instead we will just say,
 see you in awhile!
